Economic & Community Development

Our department of Economic and Community Development assists local merchants and property owners in making Port Richmond and Staten Island an economically vibrant community. We work with local property owners to attract retail businesses to Port Richmond Avenue. We also provide technical assistance to individual business owners and partner with the Port Richmond Board of Trade to maintain and improve life for the residents and merchants. Northfield Community LDC links local businesses to outside resources such as government and other development programs.

Current initiatives include administration of the following programs:

  • NYS Main Street Program to encourage the revitalization of mixed-use properties within the Port Richmond commercial corridor and develop affordable rental apartments. For more information on this program, please click here.
  • Brownfield Opportunity Area. Through this program, Northfield Community LDC works with community stakeholders to create a consensus for community revitalization and action steps toward development goals. The purpose of this initiative is to address vacant or underutilized properties requiring brownfield remediation and engage the community in deciding how the parcels should be re-developed. For more information on the Brownfield Opportunity Area Study, please click here.
  • NYS DHCR Neighborhood Preservation Program and NYC HPD Neighborhood Preservation Consultant Program – Northfield Community LDC provides technical assistance, affordable housing referrals, anti-abandonment activities, and housing rehabilitation information to Staten Island’s low-income residents

Please visit our website

For more information, please contact:

Kathleen Sforza

Deputy Executive Director


Phone: (718) 442-7351 ext. 238