For over a week now, we have been experiencing technical difficulties with our office phone lines. We are sorry for the inconvenience. We can be reached via email at or visit our staff page for individual staff email addresses. Thank you.
Northfield Community LDC believes that the strength of a community lies in the quality of its housing, the vibrancy of its local economy and its provision for human needs. The organization strives to promote these qualities directly and with the support of other resources in the community. Northfield Community LDC achieves these goals through the intelligent use of energy, protection of the environment, and economic empowerment as advanced via its programs.
On Wednesday, March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak a pandemic.
During this time, most of our staff will be working from the safety of their homes. We will continue our services, business as usual, but under very different circumstances. The best way to contact us is by email, but you may also leave a voice message if you wish to contact us by phone.
Please click here for staff contact information
For updated information on the coronavirus (COVID-19), please visit the following:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
New York State Department of Health
The Official Website of the City of New York
Northfield Community LDC has reserved parking spaces for handicapped clients. Our office is wheelchair accessible via a ramp. People who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech-impaired can access New York City services at 212-NEW-YORK (212-639-9675) using a Video Relay Service (VRS), or at 212-504-4115. Northfield Community LDC has bi-lingual counselors on staff.